Android app error: CSV not processed. Trilaterating...

The gear needed for wardriving

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Been wardriving for about 10 years (longer before WIgle) and never ever seen this error.
Google is returning zero results.
Here is a screenshot of one of the Androids showing the error.
Both Android phones (Pixel 8 and Pixel 5) show the last two files with the same error.
I have rebooted one of the phones and it made no change.
Pulling down and refreshing the list makes no change.

EDIT: It's been this way on both phones for about 14 hours. (ie overnight)

How can I get the files to finish and upload? (A few hours driving specific routes in there!)
There are about 2300 files in the Trilateralization queue right now. I'm sure the WigleKittens are working furiously to clear things, and that the admins are keeping them well fed along the way. Hopefully it's not the external goobers attacking the site and causing issues again...
Ok, gotcha.
Its just not obvious to some (ie me or Google) that a CSV error on my local device is due to a server backlog.
As I said, first time in 10 years seeing it.
Sorry for being dumb.
Not dumb at all! The app only has so much real-estate to show what's going on, so 'unprocessed' just means "waiting for the kittens" generally.

It is curious though, watching the Upload/trilateration queue continue to grow here on the website, my waiting files keep moving farther back (was #974, now #986). I was thinking files would hold their location in the queue.

The waiting, it's the hardest part :)
we're doing some backfill calculation - the queue will catch up!
Appreciate you guys, we really do!

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