Updated M8B data
I am currently working on a personal project that uses M8B. Specifically I'm trying to squeeze a subset of the data into a microcontroller to give you a small device that tells you where you are with minimal hardware. Not terribly useful, but a nice gizmo to show off how to do geolocation without GPS. I'm also planning to write a couple blog articles about it when I have it in a more refined state.
However the latest released M8B data on https://github.com/wiglenet/m8binary/releases is nearly two years old. For my local region I can update the data with what I have collected, but it would be great to have updated data even for places I haven't been to. Can we have a new data dump?
On an unrelated note I also have a working M8B reader in rust (not a huge Java fan), maybe I'll take the opportunity to polish that up a bit from an experimental test bed to a usable library
However the latest released M8B data on https://github.com/wiglenet/m8binary/releases is nearly two years old. For my local region I can update the data with what I have collected, but it would be great to have updated data even for places I haven't been to. Can we have a new data dump?
On an unrelated note I also have a working M8B reader in rust (not a huge Java fan), maybe I'll take the opportunity to polish that up a bit from an experimental test bed to a usable library
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