Export to KML

Issues with the Android network detection software. Please include Software version, Android version, and device when reporting

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Postby ludvik » Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:00 pm


Function for export actual scan to KML not working on Android 11 62.0.A.3.70 (Sony Xperia 10 III).

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int java.utill.Set.Size()' on null object reference.

File location: /storage/emulated/0/wiglewifi/

I am using this export for our internal purposes (wifi ISP) - for import to management system.


Postby arkasha » Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:31 pm

Sorry for the trouble; a couple of pieces of information would help us diagnose this:

- App version you're running
- Whether you're using the "Run," "DB," or "Upload" KML export (and triggered in which manner/from which page)
- An error log (Settings -> ... menu -> Send error report) if present
- If the export is from a Run or Upload, whether the run had any nets in it.

Thanks for your help, and sorry for the difficulty

Postby ludvik » Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:32 pm

App is newest from googleplay (i have new phone). 2.60

I am using Database/Exportovat celou databázi do kml (i don't know english term exactly ...) - the button below Export to CSV. Fourth button.
I need the .kml file of the active scan physically (or whole database). Folder with this exports I synchronize to file server.

And yes, main window show 17 nets. GPS active. And if I try searched some SSID, program find it. So i think, database has some records.

On my older phone (Xperia Z5) I use Android 7 (32.3.A.2.33) with the same version WigleWifi. And this export working fine.

Debug log, nothing interesting:

23:13:13.083 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 1.514
23:13:13.088 main] wifi receive, results: 12
23:13:16.099 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 3.015
23:13:16.103 main] wifi receive, results: 12
23:13:16.312 main] current lang: cs new lang:
23:13:16.351 main] current selection: NONE: (0)
23:13:16.354 main] resume settings.
23:13:16.355 main] Resume with allow: false
23:13:16.399 main] current lang: cs new lang:
23:13:16.399 main] showMyDiscovered setting map data: NONE
23:13:16.400 main] current lang: cs new lang:
23:13:18.538 main] MAIN: pause.
23:13:18.539 main] Pause; setting allowRefresh
23:13:18.567 main] current lang: cs new lang:
23:13:19.067 main] MAIN: stop.
23:13:19.069 main] MAIN: onSaveInstanceState
23:13:19.115 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 3.014
23:13:19.118 main] wifi receive, results: 12
23:13:22.132 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 3.016
23:13:22.137 main] wifi receive, results: 12
23:13:25.156 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 3.023
23:13:25.167 main] wifi receive, results: 12
23:13:28.175 main] startScan returned false. last response seconds ago: 3.015
23:13:28.179 main] wifi receive, results: 12
WigleWifi_export_kml.png (62.47 KiB) Viewed 25589 times

Postby arkasha » Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:50 pm

got it. I have a suspicion;
Understand if you can't test this where you are, but if you enable BT scanning and activate any bluetooth signal nearby, does the problem persist?

Postby ludvik » Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:07 pm

I understand ...

But I do not have problem with scanning. I have problem with export.

If I enable BT scanning - error disappear. But it is not export to file in phone. It is "sharing". It is not the same ... it is more complex, more clicks, many more. :-( But working, thanks.

Postby arkasha » Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:18 pm

This is just to get a single BT network into the export - I think there's a bug when there are zero BT networks in the DB; potential fix here:
https://github.com/wiglenet/wigle-wifi- ... g/pull/494

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