Display issue when the auto-rotate option is enabled (V2.67 / Android 11)
It seems that no one has reported such issue on the forum:
When the auto-rotate option is enabled, and that the phone screen switches from the Vertical to the Horizontal mode, and then goes back to the Vertical mode, all text suddenly goes from white to black in the real-time networks list. This is very problematic when using the dark mode, since it makes all networks details unreadable.
In order to avoid this situation, I disable the auto-rotate option every time I'm using the app, but I think it is worth to report this issue anyway.
As mentioned in the title, I use the V2.67 on Android 11.
Feel free to let me know if you need more technical details.
It seems that no one has reported such issue on the forum:
When the auto-rotate option is enabled, and that the phone screen switches from the Vertical to the Horizontal mode, and then goes back to the Vertical mode, all text suddenly goes from white to black in the real-time networks list. This is very problematic when using the dark mode, since it makes all networks details unreadable.
In order to avoid this situation, I disable the auto-rotate option every time I'm using the app, but I think it is worth to report this issue anyway.
As mentioned in the title, I use the V2.67 on Android 11.
Feel free to let me know if you need more technical details.
Samsung? We've had this problems with some vendor day:night listview implementations.
I use a Samsung Galaxy A50, indeed.Samsung? We've had this problems with some vendor day:night listview implementations.
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