Android App: Bad notification Exception

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On the Android app I frequently encounter exceptions with the message "RemoteServiceException: Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app: Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle". They appear most frequently when the app has been in the background for a while, but even going from the settings to the networks view has triggered this for me.

I have given the app all permissions I can. An full example error below, they are all pretty much identical:

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WigleWifi error log - 13 Oct 2024 19:27:24 versionName: 2.88 packageName: net.wigle.wigleandroid MODEL: Mi 10 RELEASE: 11 BOARD: umi BRAND: Xiaomi DEVICE: umi DISPLAY: RKQ1.200826.002 test-keys FINGERPRINT: Xiaomi/umi_eea/umi:11/RKQ1.200826.002/V12.2.7.0.RJBEUXM:user/release-keys HOST: ID: RKQ1.200826.002 PRODUCT: umi_eea TAGS: release-keys TIME: 1614605183000 TYPE: user USER: builder baseError: RemoteServiceException: Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app(uid=10598, pid=19152): Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app(uid=10598, pid=19152): Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle at$H.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at Thread: Thread[main,5,main] throwable: Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app(uid=10598, pid=19152): Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle 19:24:45.319 OkHttp] [CERTTRANS] Success: SCT trusted logs [E0rfGrWYQgl4DG/vTHqRpBa3I0nOWFdq367ap8Kr4CI=:Valid SCT, fVkeEuF4KnscYWd8Xv340IdcFKBOlZ65Ay/ZDowuebg=:Valid SCT] 19:25:05.718 GuardThread-Thread-3] Service is foreground: true 19:25:52.685 GuardThread-Thread-3] Service is foreground: true 19:25:57.008 OkHttp] [CERTTRANS] Success: SCT trusted logs [E0rfGrWYQgl4DG/vTHqRpBa3I0nOWFdq367ap8Kr4CI=:Valid SCT, fVkeEuF4KnscYWd8Xv340IdcFKBOlZ65Ay/ZDowuebg=:Valid SCT] 19:25:57.490 OkHttp] [CERTTRANS] Success: SCT trusted logs [E0rfGrWYQgl4DG/vTHqRpBa3I0nOWFdq367ap8Kr4CI=:Valid SCT, fVkeEuF4KnscYWd8Xv340IdcFKBOlZ65Ay/ZDowuebg=:Valid SCT] 19:26:53.956 GuardThread-Thread-3] Service is foreground: true 19:26:55.783 main] MAIN: restart. 19:26:55.785 main] MAIN: start. 19:26:55.785 main] UPLOADS: onStart 19:26:55.786 main] MAIN: resume. 19:26:55.786 main] GoogleApiAvailability: 0 19:26:55.786 main] MAIN: post resume. 19:26:55.786 main] UPLOADS: onResume 19:26:58.400 OkHttp] [CERTTRANS] Success: SCT trusted logs [E0rfGrWYQgl4DG/vTHqRpBa3I0nOWFdq367ap8Kr4CI=:Valid SCT, fVkeEuF4KnscYWd8Xv340IdcFKBOlZ65Ay/ZDowuebg=:Valid SCT] 19:27:08.978 GuardThread-Thread-3] Service is foreground: true 19:27:13.257 OkHttp] [CERTTRANS] Success: SCT trusted logs [E0rfGrWYQgl4DG/vTHqRpBa3I0nOWFdq367ap8Kr4CI=:Valid SCT, fVkeEuF4KnscYWd8Xv340IdcFKBOlZ65Ay/ZDowuebg=:Valid SCT] 19:27:21.528 main] MAIN: pause. 19:27:21.528 main] UPLOADS: onPause 19:27:22.453 main] MAIN: stop. 19:27:22.454 main] UPLOADS: onStop 19:27:22.455 main] MAIN: onSaveInstanceState 19:27:23.991 GuardThread-Thread-3] Service is foreground: true 19:27:24.343 main] Thread: Thread[main,5,main] throwable: Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app(uid=10598, pid=19152): Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle 19:27:24.347 main] Thread: Thread[main,5,main] throwable: Bad notification(tag=null, id=1) posted from package net.wigle.wigleandroid, crashing app(uid=10598, pid=19152): Couldn't inflate contentViewsjava.lang.ClassCastException:$DecoratedCustomViewStyle cannot be cast to$MessagingStyle 19:27:24.348 main] Writing stackfile to: /data/user/0/net.wigle.wigleandroid/files/errorstack_1728840444348.txt
We see these in our Google console- the problem is likely that Xiaomi/Redmi/Hauwei phones make changes to core Android that break things in ways we can't debug or fix reliably from update to update. The OS is preemptively disposing of our notification channels while the WiGLE foreground service is still running, which shouldn't happen (vendors do this to "optimize" battery life).

1. are you in developer mode? If so, have you changed any settings (there are settings you can modify to ostensibly speed performance that will break this specific thing)
2. if you turn off "toast notifications" in the app settings - does the problem (mostly?) go away?
Turning off toast notifications makes the problem a lot less frequent. Now it mostly happens when the app has been in the background for a couple minutes.

I'm in developer mode. The only setting I changed is turning off Wi-Fi scan throttling.

Knowing that this is somehow related to Xiaomi/Redmi/Huawei is useful info. There are some developer settings that might have an impact (like turning off MIUI optimization). I'll test some settings and report back
awesome - appreciate you digging in - we don't have a lot of test devices in that family, so we welcome info, and I suspect so does the community at large!
Right now I have the following changes active, and the app is a lot more usable:
  1. Wigle -> disable toasts
  2. Settings -> Apps -> Wigle -> Battery Saver -> No restrictions (as well as all permissions etc)
  3. Developer Settings -> MIUI optimisation off
  4. Developer Settings -> Background process limit -> At most 4 (the highest available)
I'm not sure if disabling the MIUI optimizations does anything, all other settings have reduced the number of errors. With this combination the app is very usable even in the background, but it doesn't completely eliminate all Bad Notification exceptions. It sometimes still happens even when the app is in the foreground, which is very strange.

I'll continue testing if there's any rhyme or reason to this
After some more testing I can say that turning off MIUI optimization has a big effect, so certainly don't skip this step.

However it's a double-edged sword: not only does turning it on or off reset some permissions, if you turn off MIUI optimizations the database exports don't work. The wigle app seems to generate the files but other apps can't find them. With MIUI optimizations on the file export works flawlessly
Does the "share" dialog simply fail to pop up, or when you select where to send your file does it fail?

Fundamentally, Android has moved to a model where each app's filespace is encrypted, so it's not like the old days where could just poke around the SD card and find the files.
I get a progress bar, then the share dialog, but each app I share the file with just throws up an error (either something generic or file not found/not accessible)

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