BUG: Show 'only mine' showing everything (website only)
A saved bookmark for "my area", format :-
... is suddenly showing a lot more activity than I could possibly have Wigle-d ... toggling the "Only Mine" filter to off makes no difference, it always appears to show all activity.
... is suddenly showing a lot more activity than I could possibly have Wigle-d ... toggling the "Only Mine" filter to off makes no difference, it always appears to show all activity.
the code is pretty battle-tested at this point - a few steps to try:
1. log out and back in
2. make sure to hit the "filer button" we don't auto-apply most of the filter settings on change because tile generation is expensive.
That being said, the URL you posted should work right off the bat (and hopefully the "only discovered by me" box is automatically checked when you load that URL?
1. log out and back in
2. make sure to hit the "filer button" we don't auto-apply most of the filter settings on change because tile generation is expensive.
That being said, the URL you posted should work right off the bat (and hopefully the "only discovered by me" box is automatically checked when you load that URL?
Logged out and logged back in, now working as it always did (!)
The URL -- as you note -- does usually take me straight to the right location/zoom/filtering only-mine. With the "only mine" option pre-ticked on the right panel.
Whatever it was that happened was probably something to do with login/logout side of things.
Although when I reported this, I was shown as logged in, and had uploaded a Wigle data file to be processed (and could see the progress/completion on it). So must've been logged in.
But checking/unchecking "only mine" and hitting "filter" didn't change the display, still showing lots of Wigle activity from areas I've not mapped.
Odd. Still, as long as there's nothing to fix, that's good!

The URL -- as you note -- does usually take me straight to the right location/zoom/filtering only-mine. With the "only mine" option pre-ticked on the right panel.
Whatever it was that happened was probably something to do with login/logout side of things.
Although when I reported this, I was shown as logged in, and had uploaded a Wigle data file to be processed (and could see the progress/completion on it). So must've been logged in.
But checking/unchecking "only mine" and hitting "filter" didn't change the display, still showing lots of Wigle activity from areas I've not mapped.
Odd. Still, as long as there's nothing to fix, that's good!
When you hit the map URL as a non-logged in user (or with a freshly expired auth token), the overlay tiles get generated ignoring all the params available only to authenticated users. These results then get cached by your browser with exactly the same signatures as the "proper" tiles would and you're stuck with the bad tiles until the server believes they would need refreshing. It's a weird corner case in the map integration we haven't found a work-around for yet, since we don't control the "get the tiles" request.
Sorry, I'm rather good at finding those (in software in general ...) without actively trying to ...It's a weird corner case in the map integration

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