Is this overkill......?

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Postby BigBellyBuddha420 » Thu Dec 05, 2024 11:36 pm

Two questions from a newb. First one is just some advice, second one may or may not be a bug.

I figured I'd hop on the project and help paint some of the streets in my area purple. I will be mapping, walking on foot with my dog. I am shooting for accuracy, and I read in the forums that using multiple devices helps with accuracy. I have a stack of old Kyocera phones from work, and I run the Wigle Android App on 4 of them and walk with them. Since the phone is too old to use the "upload to Wigle" function (and I didn't want to get into side-loading and using the work around), I figured I'd export the trip DB to KML from the app, and upload it to Wigle that way. So each area I walk, I upload the 4 KML files from the walk.

First question.... Is this overkill? Since I'm on foot and the devices are the same model phone, does having 4 KML files of the same route improve the accuracy much, or would 1 or 2 have about the same results.

Second.... What am I doing wrong? I upload the KML files, and they go through the processing "status of task" steps until they say "success". No new anything (Wifi, Blutooth etc.) show up at all. I tried exporting to CSV as well, but that didn't work either. I thought I'd give it a bit and it might just take time, but it's been 10 days. The "WIGLE queue status" keeps changing, but that would be the entire Wigle queue right? Not just my KML files still processing 10 days later.

**** Edit. I found a similar question on the forum from a couple years ago. I think KML files don't work for uploads. I read somewhere "KML files supported", but there must have been a different context. Leaving this here in case someone else stumbles on it. I'm still not sure why the CSV file outputted from the App didn't work though. They appear to be supported. Still interested in the overkill question.

**** Edit 2. Ok, I think I get it. The app outputs the CSV in a Gzip archive. So I've just decompressed to a single CSV, added the CSV extension and uploaded. I think the other option would be to just add the .gz extension on to the output file (from App), upload and the CSV will be unzipped by the Wigle system for processing. A bit more reading goes a long way. Will update if success.... UPDATE, that is the solution. Either extract the output file using a Gzip extractor and add the .CSV extension to the file, then upload. Or.... just add .gz to the output file and upload.

I've pasted the URL to the screenshot of my upload table.

Awesome project, and thanks in advance! I'm looking forward to getting this working on my end and being a contributor.

Last edited by BigBellyBuddha420 on Sat Dec 07, 2024 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby arkasha » Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:46 pm

KML is just a visualization export from the app; KML is a general purpose export format, not a specific stumbling format export in a useful or standard way.
If you read the uploads dialog on the site, you'll see whose KML formats we support (not our own).

Use CSV- you shouldn't need to change anything to use those .gz files - you can just upload them.

Postby pejacoby » Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:00 am

Running multiple devices is a very good approach -- "flooding the zone" you might say. Every device is scanning at a slightly different cadence, so you are getting each one listening for a different channel at the same time. Phone 1 sees an AP on Channel 4 while Phone 2 misses it but picks up the one on channel 6. Meanwhile Phone 3 is hearing channel 11. Perfect!

Some of me runs 3 different phones, three JHewitt units, and a set of 5 M5 Stack GPS units all at the same time, and even the lowliest of the performers find things that the beast-mode rigs miss on the same route.

As for the uploads it sounds like you found the groove -- how do your stats look?

Postby pejacoby » Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:21 pm

Case in point on multiple units -- 5 1/2 hours of activity this morning, three phones, 2 JHewitts, and 5 M5 Atoms. You can see, even with the low-powered M5s uploaded last, they ALL saw things nothing else did. Every little bit counts!
Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 2.18.34 PM.jpg
Screenshot 2024-12-07 at 2.18.34 PM.jpg (181.45 KiB) Viewed 8311 times
Thanks for the info pejacoby

I uploaded the DB from one of the devices, so it's 3 walks, about 1.5 hours of walking total from one of the phones (screenshot as attachment)....

It looks like in my city there is a lot of territory either unmapped or with old data. I think my strategy will be use the 4 devices, walk a loop of unmapped streets then next day walk it the next day in reverse, but on the other side of the road. I know this won't maximize new finds, but I think it will get very good accuracy per area walked.

Are your example from driving, or walking?

Also, I think the answer is "no", but is there a way to manually specify what channels each device is scanning? I know it's an option on other software, but I think the Android Wigle App just scans everything.
WigleCSV.jpg (50.75 KiB) Viewed 7878 times

Postby arkasha » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:14 pm

no, Android does not allow channel-locking scans - we couldn't like the app in the Play Store if we did.

Postby pejacoby » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:39 pm

Are your example from driving, or walking?
Mine numbers are mostly from driving. Though when on foot I generally always have a phone or two in my pocket, out on a walk or at an event. Low speed definitely helps in high-density areas.

Your numbers look great for total seen vs new, as you observe you must be somewhere that hasn't been covered for a while. I like going back to areas I've already covered, especially with newer gear that has 5G radios and better antennas -- there is always more to find! Well except maybe for Arkasha, he's got San Fran blanketed ;-)

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