Mediaplayer audio stalling while running Wigle

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

2 posts • Page 1 of 1
Hi All,

Today I receieved a Jabra Bluetooth 3030 to listen music wireless while warcycling with my HTC Desire. Although the quality of the BT3030 is above my expetations media-player audio was frequently interrupted during a short test run with the Wigle app turned on 'on the road'.

I suspect the Wigle app is sometimes taking too many (processor) resources so mediaplayer audio streaming on my Bluetooth device got stalled.

I couldn't find any processor priority settings in WigleWifi or Android OS so far, although I'm not sure Wigle is causing the problem I'm curious to hear experiences from other users.

Regards, Iwan
Unless you are on the map tab, WigleWifi uses very little cpu. It does make frequent calls to scan for wifi, the impact of which varies by device by how they've implemented the android api under the covers. On most of my devices wifi scanning and bluetooth scanning doesn't work well at the same time, so hitting both those radios at the same time may be causing problems.

WigleWifi also hits the SD card to store data in a database file there. Depending on the device, that might use up enough I/O bandwidth that audio data being played off the SD card might not get through in time. If everything works fine on headphones this probably isn't the cause.

Another user thought WigleWifi was causing audio pausing, but it turned out they had some other programs running in the background that were eating resources and that was the cause, so that's something to double check. I play music and audiocasts while running WigleWifi on my Nexus One every day and don't have any issues. Another thing you could check is if you can increase the buffer size for the media player you're using, or move to another media player that has that capability.
-bobzilla - just a little bit

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