War Rail... War Train??...

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Postby chaffed » Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:31 pm

I don't know what to call it. Anyways I went on a nice getaway with my girlfriend for my birthday up to Vancouver, BC. I thought it interesting to try and do a little net hugging from the train. Alas my GPS (eTrex Venture) reciever wasn't up to the task. I couldn't get a good enough signal inside the train car. However I still played and scanned without GPS.

There are a number of AP's along the tracks. Even in simingly heavy industrial sections I picked up a few. Seeing AP's made me think.

How difficult would it be for Amtrak to provide wifi on commuter trains? Slashdot linked to an article about VoIP at 80MPH over a 3km stretch. The cool thing would be no equipment needed on the trains or at least in theory.

I'm impressed with amtrak. It's a nice ride for a decent price. Throw wifi into that and you have the best mode of transportation evar :lol:

Postby seinman » Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:30 pm

I take the commuter train every weekend from my dorm in Chicago to where I stay on the weekends in the south suburbs, and whipped out my new laptop on my ride yesterday. Got 50 APs just sitting in LaSalle street station. Along the way it goes through some pretty shitty neighborhoods, so I didn't pick up as many, until I got into the nicer suburbs. Had about 100 APs total, although I stopped early so i'd have time to pack everything up before my stop. I held the GPS reciever up to the window and got a signal, so all was well.

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