Can't upload logfile (error, too big)

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby Stoffi » Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:13 am

I'm trying to upload a logfile from kismet, but I get an error message that it is too big.

the .gpsxml file is at 443,8MB, and is compressed to a 16,5MB tar.gz archive
which I have tried to upload, with no success.

Is this possible to resolve somehow?
is it possible to raise the file-size limit, or is it maybe possible to split up the .gpsxml file?

Postby uhtu » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:00 pm

no, we won't take files that large.
break it up into smaller posts, or use a less-retarded file format.

ok, thanks for the reply. :)

I have now managed to split up the file by hand, and uploaded it successfully,
but that took som work, as the file was at 2.000.000 lines :shock:

I really hope somone writes a script/program to do that before I need to do
it again...
Whats "best" non retarded output from kismet ?
Sorry to dis-inter this thread, but I too would like to know. It's a lot simpler just to leave the file logging every 30 seconds, as I drive, drive .... drive ;)

Or a log splitter for the preferred format from Kismet. So far, by trial & error only, I've found :

in your .tar.gz file, using -9 compression ----
don't bother to upload these extensions : .alert .pcapdump
do upload : .gpsxml .nettxt .netxml as Wigle pulls data from these.

I'm sure that some of those latter 3 are redundant, at least the text vs. xml of the .nettxt / .netxml ???


Thanks for everyone's work on Wigle & WarDriving in general ;)
Sadly they aren't redundant, there can be separate information in all three of those files.
-bobzilla - just a little bit
Thanks Bobzilla, I had since noted that too via Trial & Error (I'm good at error!) by testing upload of each - every time, there are some points not-in-common among the 3. For those who have had similar difficulties and are actually using the search feature here :wink: :

The solution that worked for me was to simply gzip (-9 option, of course) each of those 3 files up individually, and submit individually for your kismet log files of the three extensions .gpsxml .nettxt .netxml . . . worked for a fairly massive (6 hour, appx 21k point file) for me, as three separate .gz file uploads (no big deal that I lose the .tar.gz given the size of these - I can handle 3 uploads, given the processing power these surely take).

I look forward to the potential of another Kismet client : ... 424.120867 perhaps it will allow easier "stop log, and start new log" functionality. I really like that it finds 'hidden' AP's, but I miss some of the user friendly features of Wigle Wifi for Android (large display of both all and new AP's, voice announcement of numbers for run, etc.)

Hopefully at least in the redundancy, it gives somewhat better triangulation stats. & hopefully I flipped plenty of key words in here to help with both internal & google search indexing :lol:

Thanks for everyone's work on Wigle & WarDriving in general ;)
How can we split a large gpsxml file in chunks without corrupting it?
What is the maximum chunk size recommended for submitting?

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